#1 Fall Detection & Alert Technology. CLICK HERE For FREE Senior Medical Alarm Pendant Offer!

Customer Testimonials

Our Families Say It Best! Read just a few of the many actual unsolicited customer reviews, letters and family testimonials we have received over the years. 

SafeGuardian Medical Alarm and Help Alert Systems Five Star Reviews
...she fell and broke he hip. Please know that the call button saved he life. When she fell, she also hit her head but was clear enough to press the alarm button. I went immediately & called the ambulance. I wasn't due to go there for over a day so she would have been lying on the floor. Thank you so much for not only your product, but all the people involved in support. - Teresa M.
SafeGuardian Medical Alarm and Help Alert Systems Five Star Reviews
Thank you very much for all your service. Your service has given us some peace of mind. - Nora C.
SafeGuardian Medical Alarm and Help Alert Systems Five Star Reviews 
"I am very grateful to your company for the security you provided to my mother and the peace of mind it brought to my sisters and brother. Thank you for being there." - Maureen P.
SafeGuardian Medical Alarm and Help Alert Systems Five Star Reviews
"Your service was invaluable and allowed Margaret to continue living independently in her apartment much longer than would have been possible without your service. For this my mother and I both thank you." - Jeffrey O
SafeGuardian Medical Alarm and Help Alert Systems Five Star Reviews
"Your service has been absolutely wonderful, our whole family is grateful for the peace of mind and prompt care you provided." - Martha M.
SafeGuardian Medical Alarm and Help Alert Systems Five Star Reviews
"...we did use your service, it was invaluable to us. Harvey fell and broke two ribs, and was unable to seek help. Because he had his bracelet on, he was able to notify you, and you alerted us and the paramedics. Had we not enrolled in this service, this situation could have been horrific. Thank you so much for helping us when we needed it." - Keli S
SafeGuardian Medical Alarm and Help Alert Systems Five Star Reviews
"Your products provided peace of mind and dignity to live a healthy normal life in the comfort of (his) home." - Robert B
SafeGuardian Medical Alarm and Help Alert Systems CSAA ApprovedSafeGuardian Medical Alarm and Help Alert Systems Consumers Choice Award SafeGuardian Top Rated Medical Alarm Company